Sunday, November 1, 2009

Booo-gie Nights!!

Happy Halloweeeen!! New Zealand is not big on Halloween at all (weird, I know) and it's one of my favorite holidays because you can dress up!!! It's also a favorite of Nicole's so we decided that we should have a party. Not as many people were able to come as we wanted but all of our favorites were there. I only have pictures of about 4 people on here...but there were more. Nicole is getting ready and making spider brownies. She and Manuel had to do all the cooking because I was at work.
Edward was there as a Mummy in the background.
Nicole drew all of these bats and I cut them out. I also put those curtains up...yay for thumbtacks and rubber bands! Martha Stewart's got nothing on us.
We collected all of these black candle holders from the salvation army stores and dripped red wax down these white candles so they looked like they were bleeding. Spoooky! Funny story about these. We put these up the night before Nicole brought home those German boys, you should have seen their eyes when they walked into the living room. We had to explain that this was not the normal decor!
New Zealand punkins are not at all like our punkins at home. They are short and squaty and Thick(!) and green. Theirs are more like a squash of some sort and they eat it throughout the year. These were an absolute pain to cut up. Nicole drew them out and Manuel battled them. We had to go basic due to time constraints and logistics. We have made way way cooler punkins in the past. I thought I would pay a little tribute to Orlando by being Minnie Mouse. I found this great dress and shoes at the salvation army...the shoes were a hideous beigey/brown color and I painted them! I didn't have ears either so I just made them with my hair.
Minnie Mouse and Wednesday Addams (aka Nessa from Kathmandu).

Nicole was one of those little parachute man toys. She had a giant rubber band around her and a stuffed trash bag. It was awesome!
Manuel was Wolverine. He hated growing his beard out for 2 weeks and kept complaining, but it turned out really well! Nicole made him claws too...but they aren't pictured. sorry. All in all we had a great night with great people!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle! Ur Wellington adventure looks exciting and exhausting, what with "the hill" and all. Am enjoying following along on ur journey. I would love to visit New Zealand,thanks for the taste. Stay well and ENJOY!!

    Aunt Debbe
