Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Unfortunately I had to go into work for a few hours yesterday since Thanksgiving is not a holiday here and Farmers was having a huge one day sale. But I didn't have to work the whole day, just the busy lunch hours. YAY! Nicole walked down the hill with me in the morning because she had to go to the grocery store in preparation for our thanksgiving feast. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at the cafe right by the bus stop, called Mint and we decided to take a quick picture. I should have taken more pictures of the Parade...the main street in Island Bay...but I didn't think about it until I could see the bus coming. I'm sorry!!!
I got out of work at 2:30 and had some time to kill before my bus arrived so I thought everyone at home might want to see where I spend my day. This is Farmers. On Lambton Quay, pronounced 'Key.'
I learned that my camera can do a panoramic shot. So here's the street. This is the downtown area, what you can't see is that farmers only occupies 3 small floors of the building, it's about 20 stories full of least that's what I'm told. I'll try to get a good picture of downtown sometime.
This is my bus stop across the street from work. And these are the bright yellow buses that we have here that look like bumblebees. There are a few old ones too but these are all the electric ones that are most common. I wonder if that lady knew I was taking her picture...
So, you've all heard about 'the Hill' even though I've yet to take pictures for you. Well, there is another way home..besides a taxi. There's a bus that goes to the very tip top of this mountain, the walk is longer to get home but it's easier. The problem is, it only runs about once an hour opposed to the every 10 minutes like the bottom of the hill one. And the last pick up for the day is around 7:21 and sometimes you're just not done in town by this time. This is a shot of the street where the bus drops us off.
Edward is showing you the other side of the street. Similar view from our house.
Mostly just a downhill walk, this is much better.
Until you get to that hill. That's our street that goes straight up.
Good old Hudson street.
This is our blue mailbox. And these are the stairs to get to the house. See where the railing hides behind the bushes...
it's more stairs!!!
I made it to the top! We have a little people gate and this is the house. At least part of it. That's the inside of the kitchen that you can see, if you look closely, you might see Nicole in there cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
Manuel invited his friend, Tony and his family over to have a traditional thanksgiving with us so we made all the favorites. And by we, I mean Nicole. I did however make biscuits from scratch with Edwards help.
And if you're wondering how they turned out, they were ok. I feel like there's a secret to it that I should probably find out. maybe I kneaded them too much? I would like to try making them again sometime because they actually don't have biscuits in New Zealand. Just scones. Not the same. At all.


  1. Nice Michelle.I hope you don't get to tired walking up and down the hills, I bet its good exercise. Love ya

  2. Michelle, Tissie just sent me your blog. This is so amazing! Wish I could have been as adventurous. New Zealand looks wonderful. I have read all four of the Twilight books, did it in two weeks, took so long because I have to work. So I get the Edward thing, though I prefer Jacob's bod. Linda.

  3. so, i came to your blog tonight and as i was scrolling down the page to see where i left off...Haley gasps with excitement and says 'Michelle'! it was more like a mixture of 'Michelle' and 'Mr. Chell' combined. She remembers your beautiful face! I'll have to show her your blog frequently so she doesn't forget you over the next year :)

  4. Dani, that is just exciting that she remembers me even though I'm never around. Also...Mr.Chell is completely acceptable and the coolest nickname I have ever had. I'll thank Connor for that. :)
