Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tara might be the only one to appreciate this.

Whilst walking down one of the side streets in the city, Nicole and I came across this little pink camper van. We honestly didn't know what it was since we came across it from the back...and written in huge script was 'Princess Is Sleeping.' As we got closer, we saw that the door was open and there was a sign inviting us in, along with a teddy bear up of course. It was a little jewelry store!!

This little Asian girl had all sorts of random costume jewelry for sooo cheap in comparison to some of the stores here that sell girlie cute stuff. I bought a cute chunky charm bracelet and a big owl necklace for 15 dollars. I was stoked because I had seen the exact necklace at a store called 'Diva' for over 30 dollars. YAY!! This is the inside, how cute is this place? I mean really?? ps...if i ever need a camper van, it will most likely look like this.
Look, I have friends! This was taken the night of Nicole and Vanessa's birthday dinner. (Nicole, Jen, Me and Vanessa) Nicole works with Jen and Vanessa. There were more people there...but they weren't around when the camera was there. Except for Neil, but he's the photographer.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! i DID love that jewelry trailer and i was so excited to get a shoutout!!!!! :)
